YukonDA is a spray cleaning system for continuous material flow which is adapted to cus- tomer requirements. The parts pass through the successive treatment zones continuously (synchronised if required). Cleaning is carried out by passing the parts past the fixed nozzle systems.




Basic system

Cleaning system     spray cleaning with flat spray nozzles
Rotation flow-through process
Number of tanks                  1– x   
Loading from the front, individual loading of the charging station        
Housing stainless steel
Tank insulation stainless steel
Control and operation Siemens Simatic with operating panel
Bath monitoring Libelle Fluid Control


Measuring bath contamination

New standard feature!
On the occasion of our 25th anniversary, BvL are equipping all systems with the bath contamination monitoring system Libelle Fluid Control as a standard.

Versions and conveyor systems

The right system for any requirement: BvL conveyor systems adapt perfectly to your produc- tion process. We have the right conveyor system for your component, depending on size, geometry and weight. The nozzle systems are also customised to suit your workpieces, ensu- ring thorough cleaning even in hard-to-reach places.

System examples        Unit          Ex. 1           Ex. 2          
Usable width mm 250 2,000
Usable height mm 100 800
Loading capacity kg 20 400
Tank volume 1 l 950 5,000
Tank volume 2 l - 3,000
Tank volume 3 l - 3,000
Tank volume 4 l - 5,000
Tank volume 5 l - 3,000
Total length mm 2,400 29,500


We can try our solutions to your surface finishing and cleaning problems together. We will evaluate the results and make suggestions about your problems on surface finishing and cleaning processes.

Send us some sample, we will transmit you the results and our suggestions in the form of a process report.